Windows 11 and Links Tour Connection Settings

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Windows 11 and Links Tour Connection Settings

Postby BitLeft on Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:49 pm

The simple way to not waste people's time would be to not ask the question. As with so many things Tech the detail is tedious but unfortunately essential. Here's the Coles Notes version:

Links 2003 is successfully installed to a new computer running Windows 11. The Win 8 machine is still alive - allowing for side by side comparison of setup. When I set up the new box I obeyed Microsoft's oppressive edict to register with an email & created an Admin. level user id. Whatever Microsoft does in Settings and Control Panel with my Admin Acct, I was able to log in to LSPN this morning. I didn't choose to go into a tournament - I tend to play 'online' when I do - but I think it would have been fine. So what's the problem?

Mindful of Microsoft's prying eyes syndrome, I set up a local account with Admin rights so I don't feed them as much of my really very boring internet activity. For some reason(s), despite having an identical connection set up (as far as I can tell), when I try to connect to LSPN using my Local Account things look great initially, and then it just drops the attempt.

Any ideas on what the cause and the remedy might be? Is it not possible to have two user accounts on one computer and have them able to log on to the same site at different times? Wish I could say I'd found the solution, and would tell if I had. With thanks.
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Re: Windows 11 and Links Tour Connection Settings

Postby Adelade on Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:17 am

I have no idea if the info below helps or not in your case, but possibly worth taking a look at.

Pasted from the Links Corner F.A.Q. page:
There are two common problems that affect online play. 1. You must ensure that any Firewall software you have running is allowing Links to listen for connections. Most firewalls ask if Links should be allowed to access the internet when you try and play online but sometimes this has to be set up manually. 2. If you connect to the Internet via a router you may have to 'open' some ports. The method varies from router to router and full details are outside the scope of this FAQ. However, the ports required for Links 2003 are as follows:-
2300 to 2400

Also, have you installed the LSPN main patch?

Edit: Perhaps I misunderstood you, are you saying everything works fine on one of your user login accounts for the computer itself, but not on the other account for the same computer? Well, I dont really have much experience using multiple accounts on one same computer, but perhaps the firewall settings or programs and patches installed differs between the two accounts.
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Re: Windows 11 and Links Tour Connection Settings

Postby GoBucks on Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:48 am

Adelade wrote:
Also, have you installed the LSPN main patch?

I believe that this might be the key.
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