iMac 27" Retina Display

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iMac 27" Retina Display

Postby WearsYoDaddy on Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:18 pm

Switched from a PC. Can I play links on an iMac? Apple mouse doesn't seem it would work with links. I do have the high end video and plenty of RAM. I really want to get back into links again. Thanks
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Re: iMac 27" Retina Display

Postby Armand on Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:37 pm

I believe the only way to play the current version of Links 2003 is via bootcamp. I'm not a Mac user, so you'll need to find someone else to provide you details of how to get it set up. I believe bootcamp essentially gives you a virtual Windows machine, so you'll need to have a licence for Win XP/7/8/8.1/10 to get Links to work.
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Re: iMac 27" Retina Display

Postby gd5150 on Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:31 pm

You can via Bootcamp and Windows. I've been doing it with Windows XP for several years now. Somewhere on here theres an extensive thread on my trials and tribulations. The ultimate fix for me was Antelope Flats. Loading it before I play anything else for whatever reason keeps the game stable. Without doing that most courses would crash.
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Re: iMac 27" Retina Display

Postby BruceWallace on Sat Feb 20, 2016 3:53 pm

gd5150 wrote:You can via Bootcamp and Windows. I've been doing it with Windows XP for several years now. Somewhere on here theres an extensive thread on my trials and tribulations. The ultimate fix for me was Antelope Flats. Loading it before I play anything else for whatever reason keeps the game stable. Without doing that most courses would crash.

I would have never guessed that you were a MAC guy. I am sorry for your loss of a PC. :(
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