where r the patches

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Re: where r the patches

Postby LostSoul51 on Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:55 am

I'm in same situation. Just got DQed (again) due to system crashes while playing in LSPN. Had PC upgraded and have had problems ever since. I've been hoping Microsoft or someone would come up with a fix since this seems to be universal problem with the new Intel graphics.
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Re: where r the patches

Postby Bassmaster on Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:36 pm

Bassmaster wrote:
Bassmaster wrote:
ds3224 wrote:Hi, I had to reinstall the game after having to reinstatll windows 10 after an update crashed my PC. Now the game crashes when I play online such as Links online. I get an error message which says " Error: only power of 2 textures up to 1024x1024 supported. (8-8) 7306652352TGA." I did the 107 install and the Nvidea and other patches. Also my sky conditions are all screwed up or don't show at all from the tee. I need help, been playing since 2000...Rich

Rich, this is exactly what I'm getting with this new Windows 10 laptop. Have you figured it out?

And here I am 4 years later having this very same issue after having a new SSD hard drive installed in my Windows 10 laptop. I wish I could remember what I did to fix this.

Johnny from the Amanti Tour helped me get going. We went into the Links 2003 folder and changed the "Skies" folder to "Skies.bak". I've been good every since.

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Re: where r the patches

Postby Bassmaster on Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:37 pm

LostSoul51 wrote:I'm in same situation. Just got DQed (again) due to system crashes while playing in LSPN. Had PC upgraded and have had problems ever since. I've been hoping Microsoft or someone would come up with a fix since this seems to be universal problem with the new Intel graphics.

See my post above.

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Re: where r the patches

Postby LostSoul51 on Sat Apr 22, 2023 9:22 am

Will give that a try and see what happens. Already crashed once in Round 1 of current PLSA. Hoping this prevents a second crash and ultimate DQ. :) Thx.
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Re: where r the patches

Postby Adelade on Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:26 pm

Likely you have one sky file that is corrupted in your skies folder. I believe the Skies.bak solution makes you unable to see any custom skies, no? An alternative solution, which still allows custom skies (they really make the game a lot more enjoyable!) is to move blocks of your sky files out of the Links 2003\skies folder until the problem goes away, then if you want to, you can narrow it down to which file(s) exactly are causing the problem, and keep using all the other custom skies.
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